Current Main DIRECTORY:
of Suggested List of VideoTalkGroup Sites

(Some of these sites have access control and some don't.
We offer no Guarantee's that they be open when you want to join in.
That is up to the owners of the site/servers etc.)

Where do I start ???

Clink to goto the Lobby for chatClink to goto the Lobby for chat

"Our Chatroom"
Free Open Chatroom No host required to be in the room, so you can use/share anytime you want with your own friends without signup, just click on the picture to take you to the Launch page.

SkyCamLive - (Paul 2E1SKY) Open forum using Google Meet (Replaced HamCamLive)

HAMCAM's - Front Door Page for Room Selection based on several different platforms - Multiple rooms to choose

ukhamradio - Jitsi Web Conference

Rubber Duck Pub - Regular Zoom based meet-up

HAM CAM INTERNATIONAL - Jitsi based rooms

Jeffrey Kopcak, MBA – K8JTK - Background on WebRTC etc.

Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club

AmateurWire Website - Roger KE8LCM - Jitsi room

The people who run these sites & services do a great job , so if you like the service please consider Donating to them directly to help support the great work they do.

Jitsi Room (ve3npi) Please Join Us! Wednesdays at 7PM EST

The Online Radio Club (MX0ONL) - Thursday evening from 1930-2100 (UK times).
There are club rules and information about joining which you can get from there website.

Gary's Radio Room ("K5HUM") - Jitsi Room

"" - Net Check in Page - Jitsi Room Wednesday 7pm Arizona Time

KE8SEW - Video Chat Room running on Google Meet. - (Does require and Admin in the room to let you in.)

SM2AYE - Video Chat Room running on Google Meet.

PRARC - Video Chat Room run by "Prescot-Rusell Amateur Radio Club" using 3CX services.
(Organiser is required to be in the room to join (Wednesdays at 7PM EST)

East Coast Reflector - Video Chat Room running on Zoom (open 24hrs)