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Our Mission has always been from the outset to create something that an Amateur Radio enthusiast could easily use at 'no financial cost'.
It provides a set of tools to help communication and provide/share information with other Ham users.
Creating an online Video Chat room was part of that ethos and has been working well based on the Google Meet platform which has been funded at a monthly cost by us for the past few years.
For a while now we have also run a "Community Group" using the Teams application.
This provides a lot of extra capabilities to bring together people around a common interest.
So we are now experimenting with creating a Video Chat room which in many ways is identical to that of the existing Google Meet but based in the Teams ecosystem.
That is where the NEW button currently on the Launch page takes you, if you want to try it out.
Your Feedback/suggestions are most welcome.

Do I need to install the "Teams" app to use the room ?
NO. It will work like the existing Google Meet setup in that you can use a Browser.
Having said that having the 'Teams App' installed will make your use simpler/better and also give you the opportunity to join our existing "Community Group".Are there aspects of Google Meet we are losing ?
Fundamentally NO... there are some 'features' of Google Meet like the image filters/avatars etc which although good fun do not add any technical improvement over the group chat objective. The ability to setup your backgrounds as you want and also share screens/windows is the same.Is the quality of the Video and Audio the same ?
As usual the quality issues are controlled by the camera/mic setup and lighting the user has. But in general the transmission video and audio provided by Teams is equal if not better than that of Google Meet.